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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 경주지원 2017.03.30 2016고단1005

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

From around 2011, the Defendant is divided into “D”, which is the largest violent organization in the racing region, and is the actual two items of “E” in the current conflicting relationship. F, G, H, I, J, K, L, and M are the steering staff (hereinafter “existing steering staff”), and N are part of the “E” staff, including the Defendant, and prosecution staff, known to for a long time in the racing.

Recently, “E” with substantial double title of Defendant 2 actively recruited the members of the young group before and after the age of 20 in order to oppose “D,” and 7 members of the newly admitted group, including O, P, Q, R, L, T, U, etc. (hereinafter “new members”) on December 26, 2014 and on December 28, 2014, when a group of group assaulted “D” and “D” occurred, 15 members, including the steering staff X, Y, etc. of “D,” were found to be the grouped grouped, and the 15 members, including the Defendant, H, Z, AA, etc., of the newly admitted members, were found to be the grouped grouped grouped on the same day as on December 26, 2014.

Accordingly, the Defendant: (a) from around that time, at the Defendant’s office, located behind AB located behind AB, the Defendant sent the situation of the flight of new lighting staff by telephone from the above F, which was 2 years later, at the Defendant’s office room located behind AB, and (b) sent the aforementioned F to the effect that the new lighting staff do not scattered; (c) called the above I to move new lighting staff to the Loneex vehicle; and (d) on January 28, 2015, the Defendant called the above N to “AD” (one day, the current lighting staff G and Dong name), called the above N to borrow a lodging from the said N (E building) and intended to induce the existing lighting staff and N to conceal the new lighting staff by communicating the aforementioned N several times to conceal the situation of flight of new lighting staff.

On the 29th of the same month, K, M, G, and I, among the existing researchers, were replaced by new lighting staff on the new walls to the "AG Telecom" in AF on the 19th of the same month.

The defendant, including existing assistant and N, on December 2014.
