본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원안동지원 2019.09.19 2019가합88

1. The Defendant: (a) against the Plaintiff A, KRW 130,868,380, Plaintiff B, and C, respectively, KRW 51,897,780 and each of the said money.


1. The loan certificate of basic facts: In borrowing KRW 0,000,000 per day from the obligor D obligee A as of March 14, 2008, D shall submit this certificate and request repayment, at the time of the request for payment, shall pay the amount of KRW 30,000,000,000 within 30 days, and shall be signed at the time of non-performance as repayment due to no objection to the civil or criminal loss.


On March 14, 2008, a loan certificate was drawn up between A and the Defendant as follows, and the Plaintiff paid KRW 150,000 to the Defendant on the same day.

After that, on October 12, 2008, Plaintiff A paid KRW 100,000 to the Defendant.

The certificate of borrowed money

1. Daily gold: 80,000 won (per 80,000 won);

2. Date of borrowing: September 22, 2008.

3. Date of repayment: Less than one year ( September 22, 2009) from the date of borrowing; Interest: KRW 80,000 per month (80,000).

5. Method of payment of interest: To pay to creditors on the 22th day of each month;

6. When the debtor has been subject to compulsory execution by another creditor of the debtor or is subject to a request for compromise in bankruptcy, and the provisions of this Agreement have been violated, as a matter of course, by lose the benefit of time and without any peremptory notice. (a) The payment of interest has been delayed not less than twice in the following cases:

7. Expenses incurred in securing or collecting the above claims shall be borne by the debtor.

B. On October 12, 2008, Plaintiff B, C, and the Defendant each of the following borrowings (hereinafter collectively referred to as “each of the instant borrowings”). On the same day, Plaintiff B and C paid KRW 80,000,000 to the Defendant on the same day.

In each letter, repayment on December 1, 2010: C, B, and A’s gold billion Won and interest by December 1, 2010 shall be transferred to H in the event that the payment is made by December 1, 2010 and the payment is not made.

Provided, That consultation shall be made with the development company (I) under a contract.

D shall bear the signature of each other.

C. On November 12, 2010, the following letters (hereinafter “each of the instant letters”) were written between the Plaintiffs and the Defendant, and the Defendant on November 201.
