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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2015.04.24 2015고단85

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, from March 2012 to August 2014, 2012, worked as the president of the research institute and vice president of the “D” corporation, and the victim E (E) is the representative director of the said company, and the victim F (E, E4 years old) is the victim’s auditor and general director. The victims are both parties.

From September 2012, the Defendant is operating a company with the victim F from around September 2012.

In light of the need for non-financial funds, the victim F accepted it by making false processing transactions with the company "G company" and "H" actually operated by the company.

The defendant, through the processing transaction, had the victims with the weak points on the non-funds made by omitting taxes through the processing transaction, and had the mind to receive money and valuables.

1. From July 2013, the Defendant found the victims of the foregoing contents, and sought them from the victims to “the scarout out at another company.” The Defendant may undergo a tax investigation to ask for performance money for one work at a home company, and may undergo a tax investigation to the effect that it is necessary to pay money due to an individual’s debt, and if 300 million won is not paid, the Defendant reported it to an investigation agency and a tax agency. On December 10, 2013, the Defendant transferred 10 million won from the F. of the f. of the f. of the f. of the f. of the f. of drinking victim.


In addition, the defendant asserts that the defendant has received 100 million won as piece rates, and that it is not a victim by giving excessive treatment to the victims.

However, the following circumstances acknowledged by the evidence are as follows: (a) in the case of D Co., Ltd., (i) although the agreement on bonuses under the labor contract is stipulated in the agreement, there is no bonus paid to the executives and employees; (b) since August 2013, there was a decrease in the sales of the above company; and (c) if the defendant was paid KRW 100 million as piece rates, such as the defendant’s assertion, the victim F is the defendant.
