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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2015.11.11 2015고단1074


A Imprisonment with prison labor for a period of two and half years, for a period of one and half years, for a period of one and half years, and for a period of two years, for a defendant C.


Punishment of the crime

[2015 Highest 1074] The Defendants are the members of the call center located in the Cheongdo of China, namely, telephone call to many and unspecified domestic people in China, and they are the members of the above call center who serve as a counselor at the call center of the telephone financial fraud (tentatively referred to as the “defishing”) organization, by making a false statement that they should deposit deposit money, guarantee premium issuance cost, credit rating increase, fees, etc. in advance to obtain a loan, and withdrawing the money through cash withdrawal in Korea.

The Defendants: H (General Book Manager), I (K), J, K, L (or the above call center leader), M, N,O, P, Q, Q, Q, T, U,V, X, Y, Z, AAAB, AB, AC, AD, AE, AE, AF, AF, AH, AH, AI, AJ, AM, AmM, ASEAN, AP (or above call center counselor), AP, AP, AP, AP, AS, AS, AS, AT, AT, AV, AV, AV, AV, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, or K (Korean cash withdrawal books) and C10, B10, B14, B, B, B, B, and 310, B14, and C14, and C14, around 20, 210, 210.

1. The Defendants’ fraud, Defendant A, and C, according to the above public offering, play a role in the call center established in the apartment complex located in the Cheongdong City in the Cheongdong-si in China. Defendant B, at the call center located in the Cheongdong-dong City BL mountain site in China, assumes the person who wishes to borrow from the team leader with the telephone number of those who wish to borrow from the team leader, and play a role in telephoneing. On February 21, 2014, Defendant B, by calls to the victim BM (BN appears to be a clerical error in writing) and misrepresenting the 10 million won of the money deposited in the deposit order.
