1. All of the plaintiff's claims are dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Basic facts
A. The Plaintiff is a stock company with the purpose of parking management business, etc., and the Defendant is a public corporation established under the Framework Act on Railroad Industry Development and the Korea Rail Network Authority Act for the purpose of constructing and managing railroad facilities. 2) The Defendant manages a parking lot under the Yansan-si, Yansan-si, Sinsan-si (area: 12,10 square meters; hereinafter “instant parking lot”).
The instant lower-class parking lot is located below the history and iron of the Nasan Station. The lower-class parking lot of the instant case is located in the direction of the Nasan Station (the above part of the photograph) as follows, and the parking lot operated by the Korea Railroad Corporation (hereinafter “Korean Railroad Corporation parking lot”) is located in the direction of the port (the lower part of the photograph).
3) 이 사건 선하주차장 주변 천안 방향으로는 아산시가 운영하는 노상주차장으로 인하여 공로와 연결되는 별도의 진ㆍ출입로가 없고, 이 사건 선하주차장과 인접한 한국철도공사 주차장에 설치된 입구 및 출구를 통하여 공로로 출입하여야 한다. 4) 아래에서 보는 이 사건 선하주차장에 대한 입찰공고 이전에는, 한국철도공사의 자회사인 코레일네트웍스 주식회사(이하 ‘코레일네트웍스’라 한다)가 이 사건 선하주차장과 한국철도공사 주차장을 함께 임대하여 주차장 영업을 하여 왔다.
B. On May 3, 2012, the Defendant announced a public announcement of the instant tender by selecting a user of state-owned property as follows.
(hereinafter referred to as the “instant tender”). From the instant tender, the Plaintiff was determined as a successful bidder on May 16, 2012, the bidding procedure conducted according to the public announcement of tender.
The public notice of the selection of users of State property shall be made;
1. Matters to be referred to tender, and the estimated price thereof;