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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 마산지원 2016.03.22 2016고단4

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

On September 2, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to one year and four months of imprisonment with prison labor for interference with business in the Changwon District Court's Msan branch, etc. on September 2, 2014, and on November 21, 2015, the Defendant completed the execution of the sentence in the first intersection of the North Korean Branch on November 21, 2015.

1. On December 19, 2015, the Defendant, at around 21:40 on December 19, 2015, in the “E cafeteria” operated by the Victim D (L, 57 years of age) located in the Changwon Masan-si, the Defendant, by force, obstructed the victim’s restaurant business by avoiding disturbance for about 15 minutes, such as where the damaged person takes a large bath for the reason that he would pay the amount of food at the “E cafeteria,” and she takes the place of food at the same year, such as where the injured person takes a bath for drinking, she takes clothes with the chair who is located in the restaurant, and let the guests waiting to take an order for food at the restaurant.

2. On December 27, 2015, the Defendant, at around 20:05, obstructed the victim’s inner-point business by force by avoiding the disturbance for about 20 minutes, making it difficult for the customer to enter the facility, thereby obstructing the victim’s inner-point business by force, by: (a) having the victim’s “H” operated in Changwon-si, Masi-si, Masi-si, Masi-si; and (b) having the victim’s refusal to pay money to the victim; and (c) having the victim’s refusal to pay money to the victim.

3. On December 27, 2015, at around 01:45, the Defendant: (a) entered the “K cafeteria” part of the victim J (hereinafter “K cafeteria”) in the Changwon-si, Changwon-si; (b) made the customers under the influence of alcohol; and (c) made the victims, who are demanded from the victim of the damage, take a bath by means of a large voice called “Chewing year”; (d) spiting the container on the floor; and (e) making the customers, who were in the restaurant, take down the container on the floor; and (e) thrown the container down the container a 15 minutes of the container, without taking meals, she obstructed the victim’s business by force.

"2016 Highest 49" Defendant shall be the defendant on December 1, 2015.
