A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.
except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.
Punishment of the crime
The defendant is a person who lacks the ability to discern things or make decisions due to dementia in the due date Alphs' disease.
"2017 Highest 9586"
1. 사기 피고인은 2017. 10. 6. 16:25경 인천 남동구 C에 있는 피해자 D이 운영하는 'E' 내에서 술과 안주 대금을 지불할 의사나 능력이 없음에도 시가 27,000원 상당의 삼겹살 2인분, 소주 1병, 공깃밥 1개를 주문하였고 이에 속은 피해자로부터 위와 같은 술과 안주를 교부받았다.
Accordingly, the defendant was given property by deceiving the victim.
2. The Defendant: (a) received the date and time as indicated in the foregoing paragraph (1) above, and at the place, received a report of 112 stating “not paying money for drinking”; and (b) the police officer affiliated with the F District District of the Incheon Southern-dong Police Station of the Incheonnam Police Station who called “F District will pay the food value and return home; and (c) he expressed his desire to “Ssp. Mad. Bad. Rod. Rod. Rod. Rod. Rod. Rod. Rod. Rod.” without any explanation as to the reason why he had a food value known to G; (d) explained that G would return home once again and notified that he could have been arrested in the act of committing a crime of fraud; and (e) attempted to escape while having the Defendant arrest the Defendant as a flagrant offender, and (e) tried to take the back part of the body of the defective G by force by hand, and by assaulting him one time with the left eye part of the body.
Accordingly, the defendant interfered with the 112 report processing by police officers and legitimate execution of duties concerning the arrest of flagrant offenders.
"2018 Highest 51"
1. 사기 피고인은 2017. 12. 2. 14:30경 인천 남동구 H에 있는 피해자 I 운영의 'J' 식당 내에서 음식 값을 지불할 의사나 능력이 없음에도 시가 80,000원 상당의 쇠고기 2인분, 소주 2병, 공깃밥 3개, 찌개 1개를 주문하였고 이에 속은 피해자로부터 위와 같은 음식과 술을 교부받았다.
In this respect.