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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원서부지원 2020.12.22 2020고단1683

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone financial fraud organization (hereinafter “scaming organization”) is an organization that commits the so-called scaming fraud under the Act by deceiving money to many unspecified persons by misrepresenting to financial institutions, etc. while operating a call center in a foreign country including China. It is operated in the form of an organization by sharing the roles such as “inducing” that solicits many unspecified victims by telephone, etc. to commit the crime, “passing” that solicits a large number of unspecified victims to be used for committing a crime, “passing” that withdraws cash deposited in a facebook or collects and delivers money from victims, “book” that withdraws cash deposited in a facebook, “collection” and “transfer”, and “total liability that plans and instructs the overall crime.”

On May 15, 2020, the Defendant: (a) contacted the job seeking advertisements on the Internet website “B” with the name-free scaming staff (one-time, one-time, and one-time); (b) consulted with the Defendant to receive KRW 100,000 per day in return for the payment of money to the account designated as a telegram after collecting cash; and (c) received cash from the persons in accordance with the instructions of the above-mentioned person; and (d) conspired with the Defendant to conduct the scaming fraud by sharing the duties to take charge of the role of remitting the money without a passbook to the account designated by the winners of the above-mentioned person; and (b) subsequently, (c) subsequently, he/she conspired in order to conduct

On May 19, 2020, when introducing the victim D to “person in charge of loans from the E bank,” the person under whose name the Ething organization was named as “the opening of the Ethrish passbook.” However, in the process of exchanging the existing card loan, the account was suspended due to the occurrence of the violation of the terms and conditions, and thus, the suspension was ordered to deliver money to the creditor team staff.”

However, the victim only thought to obtain money from the victim from the beginning of fact.
