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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2018.03.29 2018고단157

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Fraud against the victim C: (a) on August 17, 2010, the Defendant did not have the intent or ability to pay the credit card price; (b) on the part of the victim C, the Defendant acquired economic benefits as much as the amount of KRW 25 million by obtaining the credit card payment from the victim under the name of borrowed money, and by inducing the victim C to settle the credit card payment of KRW 63,76,105, a sum of the amounts of KRW 63,76,105, a sum of the amounts of the credit card payment allocated by each month.

2. Each fraud against the victim D, E, and F has reached approximately KRW 130 million in the course of operating the G department management shop, and the Defendant is not obliged to pay monthly and monthly wages, and even if he/she is paid the price in advance due to the lack of sufficient means to purchase the skin management goods, such as cosmetics, even if he/she did not have the intent or ability to pay the skin management according to the agreement.

A. On or around March 29, 2011, the victim D made a false statement to the effect that “if the annual fee is paid in advance, it would have the victim manage 4-5 times a month or five times a year,” and that is, it would have the victim pay 15 million won as annual fee by credit card at the seat, in other words, at the victim’s seat, by means of credit card. By May 27, 201, it would have the victim settle the credit card price of KRW 32 million in total, as shown in attached Table 2 of the daily list of crimes committed by May 27, 201, and is given 202.5 million in cash;

B. On April 5, 2011, a false statement is made to the victim E for the same purpose, that is, the victim made the victim pay 15 million won as annual fees by credit card, and by May 4, 201, until May 4, 2011, the credit card price of KRW 30 million is paid in cash, as shown in the attached crime list 3.

C. Around July 6, 2011, the victim F is paid in advance to the victim F, “The ten-time amount of right management is paid in advance.”
