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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2018.11.07 2018가단213356

1. The defendant is jointly and severally with B as to KRW 284,320,190 and KRW 279,785,949 among them. From July 6, 2017 to June 26, 2018.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On June 21, 2012, the Plaintiff entered into a guarantee agreement with the Defendant on June 21, 2012, as to the obligation to repay the principal and interest of loan to be borne by the Defendant in receiving a loan from the Busan Bank:

1. After concluding a guarantee agreement like the details of the guarantee agreement (hereinafter “the guarantee agreement of this case”), the guarantee certificate was issued in the future of Busan Bank, and the defendant’s representative director B as the defendant’s representative director on the same day guaranteed the defendant’s obligation to the plaintiff.


1. The details of guarantee (unit: won) Nos. 1 C 450,00,000,000 of the term of guarantee extended on June 21, 2020 on June 20, 2012, the general loan (facilities) No. 2D 90,000,000 on June 16, 2012, the Defendant obtained a loan as follows.


2. The details of loan (unit: 1 C 450,000,000 Busan Bank on August 7, 2012, 2012; 2D 90,000,000,000 Busan Bank on June 10, 2012; and

B. The Plaintiff’s subrogation 1) On September 21, 2016, the Defendant issued a credit guarantee accident due to delinquency in payment of the above loan (hereinafter “instant credit guarantee accident”).

On July 6, 2017, the Plaintiff paid to the Busan Bank a total of KRW 279,785,949 for the principal and interest of the guaranteed obligation, such as the details of subrogation in accordance with the instant guarantee agreement, pursuant to the guarantee agreement, on July 6, 2017 upon the request for performance of guaranteed obligation by the Busan Bank.


3. According to Article 34 of the Korea Technology Finance Corporation Act and Article 10 of the Guarantee Agreement (Article 10), as of July 6, 2017, C 180,000,000,425,844 186,425,8424 2 D 2 D 90,000,000,360,360,105 93,360,360,105, 270,000,000,000,785,949 279,785,9492) and Article 34 of the Korea Technology Finance Corporation Act and Article 10 of the Guarantee Agreement (Article 10) as of July 6, 2017, the Plaintiff was paid damages for delay from the date of performance of the guaranteed obligation until the date of completion of the guaranteed obligation.
