본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.10.26 2017고정1473


A 25 million won, Defendant B 17 million won, Defendant C with a fine of KRW 8 million, Defendant C with a fine of KRW 8 million.


Punishment of the crime

1. No person who is a defendant D shall transfer or acquire any access medium;

On August 2016, the Defendant is entitled to pay 80,000 won per month for each head of the Tong, if he/she established a corporation and opened an account in the name of the corporation and received the passbook from E at the bank in the name of the corporation, and sells to a distributor of the head of the Tong through the head of the Tong B through the head of the Tong.

The term “F”, “G”, etc. established a corporation, and opened an account in the name of the said corporation in the National Bank, SC Jeju Bank, post office, new bank, Nonghyup Bank, Nonghyup Bank, and Korea Bank. On October 2016, 2016, the police officer and the purchaser of Daepo passbook through E and H in order to transfer the passbook, e-mail card, and OTP card, etc. connected with the above F’s account in the name of the said “F” to the purchaser of Daepo passbook, and in return, the amount of KRW 80,000 per month was delivered to the purchaser of Daepo passbook in the same manner as the above “G name,” and in return, transferred the passbook, e-mail card, OTP card, etc. connected to the above four accounts in the name of the said corporation and received KRW 800,000 per month per head of the Tong.

2. No person who accused C shall transfer or acquire any access medium;

On August 2016, the Defendant is entitled to pay 80,000 won each month for each head of the Tong, if he/she establishes a juristic person, opens an account in the name of the juristic person, opens the account in the name of the juristic person, and obtains the issuance of the passbook, etc., and sells the passbook to the distributor of the Tong through the passbook.

The term “I,” “J,” etc. established a legal entity, and opened an account in the name of the said legal entity in the name of the said legal entity, the National Bank, post office, etc., and, on September 2016, in order from Masan-dong to E and H in order from Masan-dong, Ma-si, Ma and H, the purchaser of Daepo-si passbook through the said name “I,” transferred passbooks, check cards, and OTP cards, etc. connected to two accounts in the said name, and in return, received KRW 80,000 per each month of the head of the Tong.
