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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 논산지원 2015.11.06 2015고단322

The defendant is not guilty. The summary of the above judgment shall be publicly notified.


1. 공소사실의 요지 피고인은 2015. 5. 7. 20:40경 논산시 C에 있는 피해자 D(여, 74세)의 거주지 마루에서, 술에 취하여 “우리 집사람이 병원에 있어요. 며칠 됐어요.”라고 말하며 피해자의 오른손을 잡은 후, “여자 손이 부드러워야 좋은데, 아주머니 손은 왜 이렇게 뻣뻣해요. 아주머니 손은 남자 손 마냥 뻣뻣하니까 제가 주물러 드릴게요. 전기가 찌릿찌릿하게 오지 않아요.”라고 하며 피해자의 손을 잡아 주무르는 등 추행하고, 이에 피해자가 수차례 손을 빼자, “우리 마누라가 알면 질투하겠네. 아주머니 지금까지 한 게 성추행이에요.”라고 하며 같은 날 22:20경까지 피해자의 손을 잡고 주무르는 방법으로 피해자를 강제로 추행하였다.

2. Determination

A. “Indecent act” means an act that causes a sense of sexual humiliation or aversion to the public objectively and contrary to good sexual morality, which infringes on the victim’s sexual freedom, and should be determined carefully by comprehensively taking into account the victim’s intent, gender, age, relationship before the offender and the victim, circumstances leading to the act, specific circumstances leading to the act, the surrounding objective situation, and the sexual morality concept of that time.

(See Supreme Court Decision 2001Do2417 Decided April 26, 2002, etc.). Moreover, there is no subjective motive or purpose to stimulate sexual humiliation as a subjective element necessary for the establishment of the crime of indecent act by compulsion.

(see, e.g., Supreme Court Decision 2005Do6791, Jan. 13, 2006). Moreover, it cannot be deemed that there is an essential difference in relation to an indecent act against a female, depending on the body part.

(See Supreme Court Decision 2004Do52 delivered on April 16, 2004). B.

Accordingly, according to the statements, etc. of the defendant, the defendant is recognized as having jurisdiction over the damage of the victim, such as the above facts charged.
