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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2014.10.21 2014고단1940

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Of the facts charged of this case, the prosecution against intimidation is dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

[2014 Highest 1940] around May 2012, the Defendant continued to engage in a dynamic relationship from Qu in Seo-gu, Gwangju, to the police officer on November 2012, 2013, starting from the first half of the 2012 Police Officers to the second half of the 2013.

The Defendant emphasized re-influored the victims of the ordinary districts, such as “Korean parents have several buildings in the ordinary districts, operate and guide a brine restaurant at a construction site, and are preparing to open a brine shop in the order of harmony.”

On December 5, 2012, the Defendant stated that “The Defendant continued to provide a family guarantee to the victim in front of the modern department store located in the New-dong, Gwangju-gu, Gwangju-gu, and that he/she shall have to pay back to the victim instead of having given up his/her escape. He/she would have to pay back the money at an early time.”

However, there is no fact that the guarantee is bona fide, and there is no intention or ability to repay the loan even if it is borrowed money from the victim.

Accordingly, the Defendant: (a) by deceiving the victim as above and immediately received 5,000,000 won from the victim; and (b) from June 10, 2013 to June 10, 2013, received a total of KRW 185,580,000 from the victim, as indicated in the separate crime list.

[2014 Highest 2069] On June 24, 2013, the Defendant ordered the victim’s “U” entertainment tavern, which is operated by the victim in Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Gwangju, to pay the price. As such, the Defendant ordered the victim to pay the price.

However, the defendant did not have the intention or ability to pay the price even if he was provided with alcohol, alcohol, etc. from the victim.

Nevertheless, the Defendant received 120,000 won of the market price of the two weeks from the victim, and had female employees take part in the market.

Accordingly, the defendant deceivings the victim and defrauds the total amount of KRW 1.6 million, such as alcohol, Ansan price, service fee, etc.
