본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.06.21 2015가합503488
특허권침해금지 등 청구의 소

1. The defendant manufactures, uses, transfers, lends, imports, or imports each product described in the attached defendant's product.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff’s business of manufacturing and selling electrical appliances is a patent holder of the following patented invention.

1) Title: E2) Date of application/registration date/registration number: F/G/patent H invention of this technology is related to lids separated from lids in an electrical pressure instrument that can be separated from lids in the lids, with a safety device equipped for preventing the operation of kitchens in order to prevent accidents, while the lids in the lids are separated, with a device installed for preventing the operation of kitchens in order to prevent accidents.

(A) The purpose of the technical task invention that the invention sought to be composed is to provide a separate electric pressure lid lid with the lids equipped with safety devices that can prevent the occurrence of the studs from being separated from the lids of the lids in the lids that can be separated for the purpose of sanitary management of the lids of the lids in the lids, so that the operation of the lids in the lids of the lids of the lids can be managed in a sanitary manner.

(Identification Number 24.24.) The structure of the invention and the electric pressure straws (10) of the main body (10) and the main body (20) and the main body (10) combined with the main body (10) and the main body (10) that open and closed the upper body (10) and the upper body (10) are combined with the lower body of the main body (30), and the main body (30) are combined with the lower body of the main body (20) and are provided with the lid lids (40) that cover the above studs (20).

In addition, in the inside of the main body (10), there are means of heating (50) to straws (20) and control straws (50) to control straws (50).

(Identification Number 29.29. Under the structure that can be separated from the floor lids (40) in this invention, the studs (90) can be operated only when the studs (40) are combined with the studs (30) of this body, and the studs (40) of the studs (40) can not be operated when the studs (40) is separated from the main body lids (30).
