The defendant shall be innocent.
1. The summary of the facts charged is a person who is responsible for the branch of the South Korean War Veterans Association, the Busan District Branch C branch of the Busan District Court (hereinafter “instant organization”), and the victim D was working as the branch of the instant organization from April 2013 to April 30, 2015.
On November 19, 2015, the Defendant heard 50,000 won of public funds when making a statement to the victim regardless of the agenda items on a regular monthly occasion among the names of 50 members, etc. open in the office of the F Office Games located in Busan, the Defendant: (a) on November 19, 2015; and (b) on November 19, 201, the Defendant took 530,000 won of the public funds when he takes the branch office of G C in around 201.
Therefore, as of June 8, 2015, I issued a disposition of expulsion in full by all members of the branch operation committee.
“The honor of the victim was damaged by publicly alleging the fact.”
2. Determination
A. According to the records, the following facts are recognized:
1) On October 22, 2015, at around 16:00, the victim did not send a notice to the Secretary-General H of the instant organization’s office “I would like to give him/her a notice of attendance at the global net events held in October 28, 2015.”
“The Defendant, at the time of the office, respondeded to the victim that “The Defendant was subject to a disposition of expulsion as a full-time surrender of all members of the branch operation conference as of June 8, 2015.”
2) Around October 27, 2015, the victim sent to the defendant a certificate of content that "the victim has been expelled from his/her name and disclosed the meeting minutes, etc. of the branch operation at the time when the expulsion was made."
Around November 4, 2015, the Defendant sent a written answer to the victim, stating the decisions of the branch office and the contents of the discussions, to the victim on June 8, 2015.
3) On November 19, 2015, the Defendant made a statement to the effect that it constitutes the facts charged in the instant case at the regular monthly meeting of the instant organization, which is most consistent with the written reply.
B. The relevant legal doctrine is generally true.