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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2015.12.21 2015고정1211

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of three million won.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, KRW 100,000.


Punishment of the crime

1. 피고인은 2014. 8. 9. 21:00경 의정부시 C상가 2층에 있는 피해자 D(60세)이 운영하는 ‘E’ 노래방에서 203호 손님으로 들어가 주류를 시키고 특정 접대부를 불러달라고 하여 접대부와 함께 약 5시간 유흥을 즐긴 뒤 피해자가 중간계산을 요구하자 “걱정마라, 현금으로 계산하겠다”라고 말하며 안심시킨 후 잠시 바람을 쐬고 오겠다며 나가 ‘E’ 노래방 203호에서 도우미 영업을 하고 있다고 112 신고를 하였다.

The Defendant stated that the Defendant’s contact loan to the police officer called the Defendant’s act is the Defendant’s act, caused the victim to be exempted from the charge of arranging a contact loan, and the victim demanded KRW 400,000,000,00,000, such as singing fee, and said, the Defendant said that “I will not reverse the Defendant’s right to ask the Defendant to see why she would be able to change the payment of the fee; how she would do so; how she would she do so; how she would she go with the police station; and how she would she turn back to her, or have no relation.”

The Defendant, as such, frightened the victim, and 40,000 won from the drinking victim, i.e., the charge claim from 40,000 won higher from her seat, thereby taking economic benefits equivalent to the same amount.


On September 22, 2014, at around 22:00, the Defendant entered the “H” singing room operated by the victim G(50 years of age, women) on the first floor of the F Building in Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Nowon-gu, Nowon-gu, and went to the toilet, with a loan for entertainment for about 3 hours.

I reported 12 on the I No. 112 that he/she sells alcoholic beverages in his/her singing room and is engaged in gambling business.

The defendant, due to the police officer's dispatch, demanded 56,00 won of the pre-paid amount of 56,00 won of the fee for the use of singing, which is the fact that the defendant requested the pre-paid mobile phone charging prior to the fact that he did not have lost his cell phone, and the fact that he left the cell phone.
