본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.08.21 2012가합532591

1. The Plaintiff:

A. An urban environment rearrangement project partnership in Defendant A shall be KRW 457,830,000 and its related matters.


1. Basic facts

A. Defendant A’s status as the parties concerned (hereinafter “Defendant A’s association”) is an urban environment improvement association under the Urban Improvement Act, which has completed establishment registration on April 1, 2010, in order to implement an urban environment improvement project (hereinafter “instant project”) promoted in the Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-gu under the Act on the Maintenance and Improvement of Urban Areas and Dwelling Conditions for Residents (hereinafter “Urban Improvement Act”).

Defendant B served as the president of the Defendant Union, as the director of each Defendant Union, Defendant C, D, E, F, and G, as the auditor of each Defendant Union.

The Plaintiff is an architectural design company that entered into a design service contract for the implementation of the instant project with the Defendant Union.

B. On September 8, 201, the Plaintiff and the Defendant Cooperatives paid KRW 100,00,000 to the Defendant Cooperatives as a bid bond. On January 19, 2012, the Plaintiff entered into a monetary loan agreement with the Defendant Cooperatives to lend KRW 100,000,000 to the Defendant Cooperatives as to KRW 100,000,00 between the Defendant Cooperatives and the Defendant Cooperatives; ② the above loan is repaid after the Defendant Cooperatives selected the Si Corporation; and ③ the loan is repaid after the Defendant Cooperatives borrowed from the Corporation at the time of the construction; and ③ the interest on the loan during the loan period prior to the selection of the Si Corporation does not accrue.

(hereinafter referred to as “instant loan for consumption”). (c)

The Plaintiff entered into a design service contract between the Plaintiff and the Defendant Union on December 17, 201, and the Plaintiff was selected as the design service provider of the instant project at the ordinary meeting of the Defendant Union on January 19, 201, and on January 19, 2012, the term of the contract for the new design of the instant project between the Defendant Union and the Defendant Union was from January 19, 2012 to the authorization of completion, and the contract amount is KRW 3,253,00,000 for the contract amount is KRW 3,250,000 for the new design of the instant project (the contract amount is settled on the basis of the increase or decrease of the total floor area at the time of authorization of the implementation
