1. The Defendants shall pay to the Plaintiff each share indicated in the attached Table 2. List among each real estate listed in the attached Table 1.
1. Determination as to the plaintiff's claim against the defendant B
A. On November 1, 1971, the Plaintiff held title trust with 1/8 shares of each real estate listed in the separate sheet No. 1, the Plaintiff held title trust with Defendant B, and required Defendant B to register the preservation of ownership under the name of Defendant B on November 1, 1971. (2) The Plaintiff terminated the title trust with the delivery of a copy of the instant complaint. As such, Defendant B is obligated to implement the procedures for registration of ownership transfer on the ground of termination of the title trust on January 5, 2015, which is the date of delivery of a copy of the complaint.
(b) Articles 208 (3) 2 and 150 (3) of the Civil Procedure Act of the applicable provisions of Acts (a judgment made by deeming the relevant provisions as private capital);
2. Determination as to the Plaintiff’s claim against the remaining Defendants except Defendant B (hereinafter “Defendants”).
A. Basic facts 1) The plaintiff is a clan that is composed of members of P, who are 24 years of age, Q, who is the pilot of P, and all the defendants are members of the plaintiff's clan. 2) Each real estate listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter "each of the real estate in this case") in the attached sheet was registered on November 1, 1971 as the members of W, X,Y, and Z (hereinafter "U clan") of the plaintiff's clan MR, net S, network T, defendant B, and U-friendly clan (hereinafter "U clan"), which are the family members of the plaintiff's clan, W, X, Y, and Z (each share 1/8).
3) R was dead on April 24, 1989; S was deceased on October 5, 2001; and on September 1, 2010; Defendant C, D, E, F, and G were R; Defendant H, I, J, K were the respective successors; Defendant L, Defendant L, M, and N were the respective successors. 4) The Defendants registered each of the instant real estates by agreement and division as follows.
Defendant C, D, E, F, and G: Each entry in the record on August 26, 2014; each entry in the record on October 22, 2014; each entry in the record on Defendant H, I, J, K, and K: and each entry in the record on October 22, 2014; each entry in the record on November 10, 2014; each entry in the record on Defendant L, M, N: 1/12; Defendant M and N; 1/48 [based on recognition] of the absence of dispute; Party A’s 1,2,6,8, and 26 (including a serial number; hereinafter the same shall apply); and the purport of the entire pleadings.
B. Determination as to the main defense of this safety