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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.12.27 2018고단7298

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

The so-called "scaming" organization of telecommunications fraud ("Scam") assumes a lending company while operating a call center at a scam, and calls to the victims to make a substitute loan at a low interest rate if the existing loan is repaid first.

The term “along with the false statement of the statement,” etc., it consists of a conciliation staff who acts to have the victims remit money to a specified account; accordingly, the victims withdraw the amount of damage to the withdrawn account; and then deliver it to the remittance account; and a conciliation staff who acts to instruct the remittance account to collect the said amount of damage and transfer it to the aforementioned organization; and a conciliation staff who collects and remits the said amount of damage in accordance with the foregoing instruction.

On October 15, 2018, the Defendant issued at least KRW 100,00 per day on the face of the transfer to a designated account by dividing one million won after collecting cash from an employee in secret name (one named “B”) via C and D, a mobile phone phphical phone phishing phishing system, and by dividing one million won into a designated account.

“In accordance with the proposal to the effect that it was received, it was intended to collect and transfer the said personal indemnites and Bosing frauds.”

In accordance with such a public offering, a nameless assistance officer calls to the victim E on October 25, 2018 and assumes a false interest rate loan provided by the government while misrepresenting to the F employee G by calls to the victim E on October 25, 2018.

“Falsely speaking,” the member received KRW 44 million from the injured party to the I bank account in the name of H on the same day for repayment of the loan.

However, it was not a F employee, and there was no intention or ability to provide a loan to the victim, and it had the victim wired money to the intent to obtain money from the victim.

The above-mentioned employee under the name of H.
