본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 목포지원 2018.12.07 2018가합11089

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On July 9, 2009, the Defendant concluded an insurance contract with the Plaintiff, the Defendant, the contractor, and the insured, as indicated in attached Table 1 (hereinafter “instant insurance contract”) stating that the Plaintiff received hospitalization allowances, etc. from the Plaintiff when the insured was hospitalized due to an injury or disease (hereinafter “instant insurance contract”).

B. From July 17, 2009 to August 4, 2009, the Defendant received hospitalized treatment at C Hospital with 19 days vertebrate ebrate ebrate ebrate ebrate. From that time to December 26, 2016, the Defendant received hospital treatment for 421 days in total, as stated in attached Form 2, and received KRW 18,841,693 from the Plaintiff as insurance money under the instant insurance contract.

C. Meanwhile, before and after the conclusion of the instant insurance contract, the insurance contract concluded between the insurance company including the Plaintiff and the Defendant as the insured, and the premiums and the days of hospitalization paid accordingly are as listed in the following table.

<표 : 보험계약 내역> 순번 가입일자 보험회사 상품명(증권번호) 월보험료(원) 질병입원일당(원) 상해입원일당(원) 계약자 상태 1 2004. 8. 31. D E 26,060 B 정상 2 2004. 9. 13. F G 100,000 B 해약 (35회 납입) 3 2005. 1. 10. H I 43,900 30,000 30,000 B 유지 4 2005. 1. 11. J K 50,000 해지 (4회 납입) 5 2005. 1. 19. L M 38,800 정상 6 2005. 9. 7. N O 45,600 30,000 30,000 B 반송 7 2006. 6. 22. D P 10,000 B 해지 (2007. 7. 25.) 8 2006. 12. 13. J Q 60,000 해지 (31회 납입) 9 2008. 10. 9. R S 16,820 B 철회 (2008. 10. 27.) 10 2009. 4. 7. T U 55,750 B 해지 (2010. 8.) 11 2009. 7. 9. A V 45,000 30,000 30,000 B 이 사건 보험 12 2009. 8. 5. R W 23,120 30,000 B 만기 13 2009. 8. 8. X Y 20,880 50,000 30,000 B 해지 14 2010. 1. 15. Z AA 완납 70,000 70,000 B 만기 15 2010. 3. 5. AB AC 32,620 B 정상 16 2013. 1. 15. T AD 15,000 B 해지 (2013. 6.) 17 2013. 7. 10. AE AF 14,620 20,000 B 정상 18 2014. 7. 31. T AG 20,000 B 정상 19 2017. 12. 15. A AH 100,000 B 정상 20 2017. 12. 15. A AI 30,000 B 정상 21 2017. 12. 15. A AJ...
