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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2015.04.16 2015고단426

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

A copy (No. 1) of the seized Postal Card (C) shall be given to the injured Party C, the Agricultural Cooperative.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, as a member of the ship of the People’s Republic of China’s nationality, an international telephone financial fraud (hereinafter “Singing”) (hereinafter “Singing”), and a person under the name of the victim (L”), made a false statement that he would misrepresent himself with a financial institution, open and send a passbook and a card to the other party to whom the phone was phoneed on a random basis, and offered the means of access, such as passbook and e-mail card, from the other party, the Defendant, upon receipt of the said means of access under the direction of the person under the above name of the victim, conspired to withdraw the money deposited in the said means of access by using the said means of access to the crime of “Singing”.

On January 16, 2015, a person who is not the beneficiary of a financial institution will provide a loan if it is necessary to provide a "loan by telephone" to the victim K because he/she does not have the intent or ability to provide a loan because the fact is not a financial institution employee.

In the same way, the "borrow" said that "the interest and the principal can be subtracted," and the victim who believed it should send the victim's corporate bank card to the designated place through Kwikset service provider, and in the same way, the victim sent 12 copies and two copies of the Tong in total as shown in the attached crime list.

On January 22, 2015, the Defendant received orders from the above, and around 15:00, around 15:00, from the above Kwikset service provider, three copies of the physical card owned by the victims indicated in the crime sight table 2, 3, and 4. On January 22, 2015, around 19:10 on the same day, the public prosecutor of the remaining victims from the above Kwikset Service provider around 19:10, around 19:10, from the above Kwikset service provider, the name of the victim No. 7 in the crime sight table No. 7 in the year from N to “N”, and the name of the victim No. 9 in each year from “O” to “F”, respectively.
