본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.03.27 2017가합545936
재임용거부처분무효확인 등

1. It is confirmed that the Defendant’s refusal to resign on December 29, 2016, against the Plaintiff, is null and void.

2. The defendant shall be the plaintiff.


(b) notified the refusal of reappointment on the ground of “average Satisfaction, etc.”;

hereinafter referred to as "dispositions rejecting reappointment of this case"

C. (1) The content of the examination of reappointment among the instant appointment contracts is as follows.

Article 6 (Business Performance and Performance) The plaintiff's achievement shall be related to the major field and shall be governed by the rules on the appointment of faculty members of the defendant university and the regulations on the teaching achievement evaluation.

Article 7 (Terms and Procedures of Recontracts) (1) The achievements of four months prior to the expiration date of the contract period shall meet the standards for deliberation for each area, and the average points for evaluating teachers' duties shall be acquired at least on an average basis, and the deliberation by the Teachers' Personnel Committee shall be passed in consideration of the written opinions

(See the provision on the appointment of non-Korean War Veterans in the Defendant’s University (see the provision on the appointment of full-time Teachers for the defendant’s University). The defendant may enter into a contract for renewal if the plaintiff satisfies the terms of renewal under the preceding paragraph, and the other conditions shall be governed by the relevant provisions.

(3) Where it is determined that the terms and conditions of the renewal are not satisfied, the defendant may give the plaintiff an opportunity to vindicate.

The criteria for the evaluation of evaluation items: 5 points for admission to intra-school services for each person, 5 points for admission to new students, 5 points for recommendation of transfer students - 50 points for scholarship (5 points each time of increase of one million won) and 1 million won for the development fund (5 points each time of increase of one million won): the other president's attraction, 5 points each (5 points each time of increase of one million won): the above 2) the employment rules for full-time faculty members of the defendant's university provide the education, research, and the evaluation items and the evaluation criteria for each class of the class of the work, and among them, the examination rules of this case (hereinafter referred to as the "examination rules of this case").
