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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2020.09.25 2020고합117

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months and by a fine of thirty million won.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100.


Punishment of the crime

1. 특정범죄가중처벌등에관한법률위반(보복범죄등), 주거침입 피고인은 2020. 1. 23. 07:30경 울산시 중구 B, C호에 있는 피해자 D(남, 61세)의 방에 침입한 후 피해자가 폭행사건으로 피고인을 경찰에 신고하였다는 이유로 주먹으로 피해자를 수회 때리고, 발로 피해자의 머리를 걷어찼다.

Accordingly, the defendant invadedd the victim's residence, and reported to the police in relation to the investigation of his criminal case, thereby assaulting the victim for the purpose of retaliation against the provision of the proviso of investigation.

2. Violation of the Road Traffic Act;

A. On January 23, 2020, the Defendant without a license driving on January 23, 2020 driven a approximately 1 km section from the front of Jung-gu, Ulsan-si to the front road of the same Gu F in the same Gu from Jung-gu, Ulsan-si, Ulsan-si without a motorcycle driver’s license.

B. On February 6, 2020, the Defendant, without obtaining a license on February 6, 2020, driven the above lebane without a motorcycle driver’s license after passing through the same Gu H Park from the front of the Jung-gu, Ulsan-si, Ulsan-si, and again driving the above lebane at approximately 600 meters section from the front of the same Gu H Park to the above road without a motorcycle driver’s license.

C. On February 17, 2020, the Defendant driven the above part of the same section as the above B above without a motorcycle driver’s license around 06:13, Feb. 17, 2020.

On February 18, 2020, the Defendant driven the above part of the crime, such as the above B above, without a motorcycle driver's license, around 06:08 on February 18, 2020.

Summary of Evidence

1. The defendant's partial statement in court as witness D;

1. Each prosecutor's protocol of examination of the accused;

1. Statement made to D by the police;

1. The ledger of car driving licenses of D and I;

1. The suspect, on the face of a head-to-face photograph, which the suspect gets on and off the house of the victim, has taken a witness I from the place of work, his domicile, and CCTV installed at the I's place of work, the suspect gets on and off the house of the victim, and the suspect has taken on the CCTV installed at the I's workplace.
