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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.10.16 2020고합282

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

The prosecution on remaining assault among the facts charged of this case is dismissed.


Criminal facts

The defendant is the victim B (Nam, 82 years old), C (n, 81 years old), and the defendant and the victims are living together in Daegu Northern-gu D.

1. On May 7, 2019, the Defendant, who attempted to commit fire to the present residential building and fire, had the drinking alcohol in the above residential area and had C more alcoholic beverages, but the Defendant refused it, had the test-style sports uniform in the Defendant’s room, and had a single-use sports clothes attached to a living room and a single-use sports clothes, and had the same cut off to the living room, and attempted to extinguish the dwelling by setting the house on the floor of the living room. However, the Defendant attempted to commit an attempt by setting the fire by setting the house on the floor of the living room.

Accordingly, the defendant was trying to fire a structure used as a residence by setting fire to and from a person.

2. Around 22:00 on July 12, 2020, the Defendant, while under the influence of alcohol in the above residence, asked for alcohol to the victim C, but was rejected, the Defendant saw a single-use carbon gas at the entrance of the ward by putting the gas into the entrance of the ward, and sprinking the gas, sprinking the gas into the entrance, sprinking it, and continuously sprinking the gas, and sprinking the gas through the gas infusing tool, and acting as a spacker in the condition with a single-use tool with a fire.

Accordingly, the defendant carried a disposable carbon gas, which is a dangerous object, and threatened the victim who is in existence.

3. At around 00:00 on July 13, 2020, the Defendant who sustained injury on the part of the Defendant: (a) listens to the sound that C was assaulted by the Defendant due to the use of plastic materials, and (b) the victim B, from the room, tried to stop the Defendant from using a disposable tool and intending to put a fire to the Defendant. In order to prevent the Defendant, the Defendant was satisfly sated and satisfly satisfy, and the Defendant was satisfy.
