A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.
However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.
Criminal facts
The defendant, at the D Housing Association E's apartment public relations center located in Yangsan-si, jointly with its partners, operates the Fund as an agent for sale in common. The fact is that even if the victims entered into a membership agreement with the above association and receive the funds from the victims under the name of the contract, such as the down payment, etc. to join the said apartment building construction association, most of them are expected to be used as the operating fund of the fund of the Fund in relation to the members who are not related with the members, so
Nevertheless, on September 20, 2014, the Defendant is the head of the headquarters of Korea (E) with the victim I, J, and K in the “H real estate” located in the G in Yangsan-si on September 20, 2014.
The location of apartment houses which are set up in Yangsan at once is good, and whether the Yangsan does not now become good.
It is also enclosed with the sale price.
The idea to be sold in lots does not seem to cause a contract to be concluded.
Accordingly, the member has been responsible for the sale of goods for more than six months, and will be sold.
"......" The above three victims show the building site of the above apartment located in the G in Yangsan-si, Yangsan-si, and there is no problem about E apartment in this site and standing.
In the above apartment publicity center, "the head of the E apartment complex is the head of the association, the association is responsible within six months, and the two buildings are sold, and the three buildings are in mind.
From 500 to 1,000 earnings.
“At the same time, the said three victims who visited the above apartment publicity center around October 24, 2014 to enter into a membership agreement,” and “ we should not make a deposit in the account number stated in the contract because they are sold in the middle, and it should be included in the account number.
The strike is not an issue, is responsible for it, and will be sold.
"............" on October 30, 2014 to the victim who visited the above apartment publicity center around October 30, 2014, such as three victims.