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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.09.23 2020고단4044

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

An application for remedy by an applicant for remedy shall be dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

On May 22, 2020, the Defendant had been aware of through Internet C around May 2, 2020, saying, “The Defendant is willing to pay expenses, such as daily expense 200,000 won, transportation expense, meal expense, etc., to receive money that the Defendant provided to a loan obligor,” with the intention of receiving cash from many unspecified persons and remitting it in accordance with the direction of the person who has not received the name.”

The Defendant did not undergo regular employment procedures such as transmitting identification cards, resident registration certificates, family relation certificates, etc. The Defendant was aware that the Defendant received cash from many unspecified persons and deposited them with no passbook using a number of personal information provided by the winners of his name in accordance with the instructions of the winners of his name, and that when receiving cash in accordance with the instructions of the winners of his name, the Defendant was able to use the name “D E” and “F membership number” as “D E”, and that the Defendant was able to receive the Defendant’s name in return for the name in return for the name in return for the Defendant’s instructions, and that the Defendant was able to receive the Defendant’s real name in return for the Defendant’s use of the name in return for the Defendant’s failure to do so.

1. On May 26, 2020 to May 27, 2020, the person who was unaware of the victim B’s name in fraudulent aiding and abetting the victim B may use a phone call to the victim B (n, 46 years of age) at a place where the location cannot be known from May 26, 2020 to May 27, 202, and make a loan to the victim B at a low interest rate of 3.2% of the G Bank and the I director. In doing so, the applicant for the loan may make a loan with low credit rating and it is difficult to make a loan because of low credit rating. It is possible to make a loan if the credit rating is enhanced by immediately repaying the credit rating after receiving the card loan or cash service. The loan repayment means that if the details of the loan are deleted from the account transaction, it would be sufficient to directly make a loan to the person in cash.”

However, a person who is not a member of the G bank was not a member of the G bank, and loans from the victim.
