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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.10.18 2018고단3251

[Defendant A and B] Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for one year and four months, and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for ten months.

[Defendant C, D, E, F, G.]


Punishment of the crime

[2] On April 10, 2018, Defendant B was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years for a violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act at the Gwangju District Court on April 18, 2018, and the judgment becomes final and conclusive on April 18, 2018. ② Defendant C was sentenced to a suspended sentence of six months for a violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act at the Jeonju District Court on December 15, 2017, and the judgment became final and conclusive on May 17, 2018; ③ Defendant H was sentenced to a suspended sentence of four months for a violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act at the Jeonju District Court on September 21, 2017; ④ Defendant I was sentenced to a suspended sentence of imprisonment with prison labor from the Jeonju District Court on September 14, 2017 to a violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act; and Defendant C was sentenced to a final and conclusive imprisonment with prison labor on September 16, 2017; and Defendant C was sentenced to a suspended sentence of six months for the same offense.

[Criminal facts]

1. The indictment for an event, such as the false entry of the electronic records, such as the electronic records of Defendant B, Defendant C, Defendant D, Defendant E, Defendant F, and Defendant G’s official records, and the false entry electronic records, is written to the effect that this part of the indictment is written to the effect that each of the facts charged is recorded in the corporate registry, a process deed, and that the indictment was exercised.

However, according to the records, it is clear that the registry of each corporation of this case is a public electronic record and there is any disadvantage in guaranteeing the defendants' right to defense.

As such, each of the facts charged is corrected, and the name of the crime, which is the basis of the correction, is also recognized as “a false entry, such as a public electronic record,” and “an event such as a false public electronic record, etc.” respectively.

The Defendants are able to know one another in the Jeonju area.


A propose that Defendant B pay the price of KRW 1 million per month on the face of the Jeju bank account by lending the account to Defendant B, and Defendant B, after accepting the above proposal, established a floating corporation under the name of Defendant C, etc., who is the times when he was aware of himself or it, and then was a part of the accounts in the name of the corporation.
