본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2019.01.25 2018고단3409


A Imprisonment for six months, Defendant B’s imprisonment for four months, and Defendant C’s fine of three thousand won, respectively.




Punishment of the crime

1. On March 2, 2018, Defendant A violated the Punishment of Violences, etc. (joint injury) in Defendant A and B committed a violation of the Act on the Punishment of Violences, etc. (hereinafter “Joint Injury”) with the victim’s head before the victim’s “E clubs of 1st underground floor in Mapo-gu Seoul, Seoul, with the victim’s head at hand, and with the victim’s head at hand, while the victim’s head was in dispute with the victim’s head at hand, Defendant B took the victim’s head at hand, took the victim’s head head at hand, took the victim’s head head at hand, and continued to take the victim’s head head at the victim’s body after going beyond the victim’s body. Defendant B also took care of the victim’s head at a time when the victim’s head was shakingd with the victim’s head at hand and the victim’s head at hand, and Defendant B took care of the victim’s head and part in the victim’s head at hand, with the victim’s head and part of the victim’s head.

2. On March 3, 2018, the Defendants’ insultd the Defendants posted the above fact of damage to G around 03:00, and posted the following comments to the Defendants, thereby openly insulting the victims. A.


A은 “ㅇㅈ 지랄맞지 븅신련이 존나 쳐맞다 다구리라 쳐 하네”, “허벅지 문거 기억 안나냐 니 씨발련아”, “니 때문에 광견병 아닌지 검사해야되 이 ㅆㅂ련아”, “이년 진짜 개 씨발 돼지련아 ㅇㅈ 할게”, “아니 ㅆㅂ 진짜 븅신년아 자아성찰해라 F아 좋은말로 몇 번 해줬잖냐 어디서 관심을 쳐 얻어 먹어가지고”, “아 F맞다 너 쫌 씻어 이 ㅆㅂ련아 싸울때든 껴안을때든 냄새 좆같더만”, “너 이 씨바련 기름붓고 샤워해 ”, “아니 ㅈㄴ 웃긴게 무슨 4:1이야 병신 돼지년아”, “쌍방 맞지 ㅂㅅ련아 니 내 허벅지 문거 ㅆㅂ 아 이빨자국 고대로야 그대로 이빨자국 본떠줄게”, “등치값해 진짜 돼지련아 난 쪽팔려서 혀깨물고 진작에 뒤졌어”라는 댓글을...
