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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2018.01.17 2017고정427


A and B each fine of KRW 2 million, Defendant C is punished by a fine of KRW 500,00,000, and Defendant D is punished by a fine of KRW 1.5 million.


Punishment of the crime


D and Defendant C (name fromG to C) were the persons who were in a relationship with the former, Defendant B and Defendant A were the parents of Defendant C with the married couple, and Defendant D and Defendant C called “the cost of Tball vehicle purchased in the name of Defendant D at the time of a relationship with the former, on November 6, 2016, when they were in a relationship with the latter, they were the parties to the latter, and Defendant C was the party to the latter, and Defendant C was the party to the latter.

1. Around November 15, 2016, the Defendant: (a) committed a dispute with the victim C’s residential gate located in Chungcheongnam-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City on the following grounds: (b) around November 6, 2016; (c) was shaking the victim C’s head c head c head c head c head cat; (d) reported in 112; (e) the victim’s head c head c head c head cat; and (e) reported in 112; and (e) the police officers dispatched after being reported in 112; and (e) assaulted the victims, such as the victim C’s head c head c at one time; and (e) the victim’s body at one time.

2. Defendant A: (a) at the time and place described in the foregoing paragraph (1); (b) at the victim’s head knife; (c) twice knife the victim’s body by hand; and (d) at the victim’s body by pushing the victim’s body one-time onto the wall, thereby causing injury to the part of the inner wall that requires approximately four weeks of treatment; and (c) the part of the inner wall that requires a close-down treatment.

3. Defendant B’s Defendant B heard sound from the date, time, and place specified in the above paragraph 1 and took place outside of the house, and even though the victim’s head safaf of A, the victim’s head safaf of A, the wife of the victim D, she reported the victim’s head safaf of A, the victim’s head safafafaf, and she met the victim’s face part by hand.

As a result, the defendant suffered injury to the victim, such as cutting the frame and closing of internal walls that require about four weeks of treatment.

4. Defendant C is the victim D who exceeded the floor for the same reasons as the above 3 paragraphs at the time and place described in the above 1 paragraph.
