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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 상주지원 2012.07.05 2012고합21

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six years.

The information on the accused shall be disclosed and notified for ten years.


Criminal facts and the facts constituting the attachment order

1. Criminal facts;

A. On March 26, 2012, around 16:10, the Defendant and the person subject to a request to attach an attachment order (hereinafter “Defendant”) were in the house of the victim D (Wol, 42 years old) who is a neighboring party in the Dong-si, Dong-si, Dong-si, Seoul (hereinafter “Defendant”) with the intent to rape the victim who is mixed with the victim’s husband, and confirmed the absence of the victim’s husband’s vehicle and his departure from the outside.

피고인은 피해자에게 커피를 마시러 왔다고 말하여 피해자를 안심시키고 그곳 주방까지 들어가 침입한 후 피해자가 물을 끓이기 위하여 등을 돌린 순간 뒤에서 피해자를 안으면서 입으로 피해자의 목 등을 핥고, 피해자가 이를 피해 거실로 도망가자 피해자를 따라가 상의를 벗기면서 바닥에 넘어뜨린 다음 배 위에 올라타고, “금방하면 된다. 한번만 하자.”라고 말하면서 피해자의 바지를 벗기려고 하는 등 간음하려고 하였으나 피해자가 저항하는 바람에 그 뜻을 이루지 못하였다.

As a result, the defendant invadedd the victim's residence and tried to rape the victim, and inflicted an injury on the victim, such as a chest scambling, which requires approximately two weeks of treatment.

B. On March 26, 2012, at around 16:50, the Defendant came to the house of the victim E (the age of 68) in the above C (the age of 68), and attempted to engage in sexual intercourse, such as “the victim will be only a locked if he was dead,” and “the victim will be dead,” but the victim did not have the intent to resist the wind when she resisted against the wind of the victim, when she was unable to commit the crime described in paragraph (a) and was able to rape the victim who was living in his wife, and went into his house through the entrance door, and intrudes the victim through the entrance door, and when she was laid down on the chest, she turned the victim’s sexual organ over the floor, and turned the victim’s sexual organ on his chest by hand.”

Accordingly, the defendant attempted to rape the victim by impairing the victim's residence, and attempted to commit rape, and the victim about three weeks.
