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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2013.09.05 2013고단1063

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[2013고단1063] 피고인과 성명불상자 2명은 2012. 11. 21. 22:50경 광주 서구 C에 있는 피해자 D가 운영하는 E마트 앞에 이르러 성명불상자 2명은 망을 보고 피고인은 위 마트 앞에 진열되어 있던 피해자 소유의 시가 30,900원 상당의 양파링 6개, 칩 포테토 3개, 스윙칩 11개, 눈을감자 3개를 들고 갔다.

Accordingly, the defendant and the two persons who have not been able to receive the name of the victim jointly stolen the victim's property.

[2013 Highest 1795]

1. On September 3, 2012, the Defendant: (a) conspiredd to steal G, H, I, and Oralba; (b) discovered one Oralba, the market price of the victim F, at the third parking lot of J Apartment-gu, Gwangju-gu; and (c) using any gaps, the Defendant, G, and I reported the network; and (d) used the crebba in creba, thereby thefting the Otoalba, leaving the Otoalba, and driving it with the movement of Oralba, after destroying it.

Accordingly, the Defendant, in collusion with G, H, and I, destroyed the victim's property and stolen the victim's property jointly with G, H, and I.

2. On October 1, 2012, the Defendant: (a) conspireded to steal G, H and Oralba; (b) discovered a single Oral part of the market price of the victim K at the first floor parking lot in Nam-gu, Nam-gu, Gwangju on October 1, 2012; (c) using any crepan in which the victim K is located, the Defendant and H reported the network; and (d) G used a crepan in which there is no crepan; (c) removed a kidbb in the Oralba; and (d) cut off the kidemba, thereby breaking it with a view to getting off and destroying it.

Accordingly, the Defendant, in collusion with G and H, destroyed the victim’s property and stolen the victim’s property jointly with G and H.

3. The Defendant: (a) conspireded to steal the Victim M, G, H and Oralba; and (b) around 15:00 on October 3, 2012, the Defendant owned the Victim M.
