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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2015.05.21 2014고단3284


A Imprisonment with prison labor of one year and two months, and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor of six months.

provided that this ruling has become final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendants’ joint crime committed on October 17, 2013, F apartment 212 Dong 412, and the victim E’s residence on October 17, 2013, Defendant A is the victim of the victim “B, who is in the Republic of Korea, and is also engaged in entertainment business.” The Defendant’s joint crime refers to the victim’s “a factory, which is in the Republic of Korea.” The amount of funds to increase the machinery of the factory is 2,00,000 won, and Defendant B will be repaid without a mold if it is lent for three months only.”

‘A false statement' was made.

However, the Defendants thought that they would be able to use the Defendant’s personal debt or living cost if they were to lend money. Defendant B did not have any specific income or property other than KRW 3 million monthly wage, KRW 10 million per month, and KRW 6 million per month at the singing room operated by the Defendant. However, Defendant A had a financial institution’s debt amounting to KRW 150 million, KRW 30 million, KRW 4 million, and KRW 300 million, KRW 4 million, and KRW 3 million in arrears with health insurance premium. Defendant A had no capacity to pay KRW 201,00,000, KRW 1560,000 per month, KRW 200,000 from the obligee’s right to collateral security (or KRW 1.5,000,000, KRW 1.5,000,000) and KRW 20,000 from the obligee’s right to collateral security (or KRW 200,00,000).

Nevertheless, the Defendants were transferred KRW 19 million to the new bank account (L) in the name of Defendant B with the name of Defendant B, under the pretext of borrowing the amount of KRW 1,00,000 from the victim’s prior interest and KRW 1,00,000.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to attract the victim to receive the goods.

2. Defendant A’s sole crime is committed on December 21, 2013.
