본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2015.09.23 2015고단117

The accused shall announce the summary of the judgment of innocence.


1. In the facts charged, the Defendant is a restaurant employee, who is frequently in the E main shop located in D in the Jinju-si operated by the victim C (V, 47 years of age).

around 02:00 on August 10, 2014, the Defendant: (a) discovered that the victim was locked in a simplified bet while under the influence of alcohol; (b) caused the victim’s sexual desire; and (c) caused the victim’s kising of the chest and the chest by drinking the knife; and (d) committed an indecent act against the victim under the influence of alcohol, such as drinking by inserting the knife with the knife and drinking the knife.

2. In light of the following circumstances acknowledged by the record of judgment, there is no evidence to acknowledge that the victim’s investigative agency and this court’s respective statements in the victim’s investigative agency to the effect that he/she was subject to indecent conduct from the Defendant under the influence of alcohol, and that the Defendant committed an indecent act against the victim in a state of resistance impossible.

The victim appears to be not the spouse under the law of her husband at the time of the instant case, but the victim and this court stated in the investigative agency and this court to the effect that the Defendant was aware of the fact that the Defendant was faced with her own fluence by shouldering the door of this fluence. The victim stated that the Defendant was forced to leave the door of the main fluence, followed by the Defendant, and then her husband was faced with the above situation, and her husband was fluent to the inside of the main fluence, and that the Defendant did not fluent or fluent with the Defendant.”

However, if another person commits an indecent act in diving, it is common to ask the other party about how to escape or to act in substitution while resisting immediately the other party, and to ask him/her about what kind of action. The above behavior of the victim seems to be the ordinary behavior of the victim who commits an indecent act.
