본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울행정법원 2017.12.14 2017구합68516
상업용 곰솥 또는 국솥 거래정지 처분취소 청구의 소

1. 피고가 2017. 5. 29. 원고에 대하여 한 상업용 곰솥 또는 국솥 거래정지 2017. 5. 29.부터 2017. 11....


1. Facts of recognition;

가. 원고는 상업용 곰솥 또는 국솥을 제조하는 회사로서 피고와 사이에, 2014. 8. 12. 상업용 곰솥 또는 국솥에 대하여 계약기간을 2014. 8. 12.부터 2016. 6. 30.까지로 하는 다수공급자계약을 체결하고, 2017. 2. 22. 다시 같은 물품에 대하여 계약기간을 2016. 7. 1.부터 2019. 6. 30.까지로 하는 다수공급자계약을 체결하였다

Article 22-2 (Suspension of Transactions) of the Special Conditions on the Contracts with Multiple Suppliers (1) where the other party to a contract falls under any of the following subparagraphs, a transaction in a comprehensive shopping mall may be suspended for between one month and not more than 24 months.

(6) A public official in charge of contracts shall notify the relevant other party to a contract of the grounds for suspension of a transaction, the maximum period of suspension of a transaction, the deadline for submission of other opinions (including a written or face-to-face statement that it is possible to do so and no opinion is deemed to exist if no opinion is presented within the specified time limit) in advance, and shall notify the relevant party to a contract in writing when the suspension of a transaction becomes final and conclusive;

Article 22-4 (Effect of Suspension of Transactions) (1) Where a business suspension restriction is received under Article 22-2, the suspension of transactions shall be applied in connection with a comprehensive shopping mall according to the following subject to suspension until the period of suspension expires, even if the contract is terminated:

1. Where a contract is subject to suspension, a contract related to all forms of registration of shopping mall containing the name of the relevant contract (including products excellent in procurement);

2. The name of the relevant detailed product, where the product is subject to suspension;

3. Where the relevant item is subject to suspension, the relevant item.
