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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2015.04.03 2013가단9021

1. Defendant E, F, and G jointly and severally with Plaintiff A, KRW 14,225,280, KRW 2,000,000 for Plaintiff B, and KRW 2,00,000 for Plaintiff C, respectively.


1. Claim against Defendant E, F, and G (hereinafter above Defendants collectively referred to as “Defendant E, etc.”)

A. The Plaintiff A and Defendant E were enrolled in the first grade of H Middle School in Daegu Dong-gu in 2012 (the Plaintiff A was the first grade and the second grade of Defendant E), which was in the first grade of H Middle School in Daegu-gu in 2012.


B, C, and D are the father, mother, and mother of Plaintiff A.

Defendant F and G are the father and mother of Defendant E.

At the time, I was a teacher of defendant E, and J was the principal of H middle school.

Defendant Daegu Metropolitan City is establishing and operating H middle schools.

B. On November 5, 2012, Defendant E assaulted the Plaintiff’s face from the fourth floor Homebes of H Middle School (a space where students’ things are located, is separated from class rooms) in the fourth floor of H middle school, which is the break time for the Plaintiff to take four lessons after the completion of the class on November 3, 2012, and wait for four lessons, Defendant E used the Plaintiff’s face to inflict injury, such as bones bones, etc. (hereinafter “the instant injury”).

Because of the injury of this case, the plaintiff A suffers from stress disorder.

[Reasons for Recognition] Each entry in Gap, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 25 (including paper numbers), Eul's evidence 7, 8, 9, Eul's evidence 11, 12, and 13 (including paper numbers), and the purport of the whole pleadings

B. According to the above recognition of the liability for damages, Defendant E is the direct perpetrator, Defendant F and Defendant G are the parents who have an obligation to supervise Defendant E, who are children in the first grade of middle school and have not yet been emotionally mature, and Plaintiff B, C and their families, who are the victims, are jointly and severally liable for damages suffered by Plaintiff B, C and D.

C. The scope of damages (i.e., the king Medical Fee No. 4,015,280 won No. 4-7,8, and 21 are medical treatment costs (medical treatment) for Plaintiff C and Plaintiff D. Therefore, it is difficult to recognize it as evidence of the king Medical Expenses for Plaintiff A.

The evidence No. 4 16 is the medical expenses for the juvenile and the area of the child of Jan. 18, 2013, and the evidence No. 4 19 is the receipt for the verification fee of Jan. 22, 2013.
