본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.09.19 2018고단4905

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

【The facts of the premise】 On May 2, 2006, the Defendant entered the Republic of Korea for a short-term commercial visa (C-3) from the Chinese Republic of China on a short-term basis, and illegally employed from the “E” of the operation in Gyeonggi-gun C, Gyeonggi-do, and was exposed to the Immigration Authority on October 12, 2009, and was forced to leave on October 16, 2009, and the Immigration Authority issued a disposition prohibiting the entry of the Defendant for a period of three years.

However, the Defendant had the mind to enter the Republic of Korea again to compensate for money, and entered the Republic of Korea at the time of Sweak on April 5, 201, the name-free port “Sweak-to-Sweak-to-Sweak,” instead of China, to the name-free brander, and entered the Republic of Korea by hiding the body on the cargo, and then was exposed to the non-check inspection by the police on April 3, 2015, while working as a daily worker at the construction site in each country.

7. A person who has been forced to leave China.

【Defendant Inasmuch as the Defendant was forced to leave the Defendant on April 7, 2015, he re-enters Korea to collect money for the purpose of raising living expenses, etc., and was introduced on July 2015, 2015 through the “F” that the Defendant was aware of the fact that he was sexual intercourse with the Defendant.

If a foreigner intends to enter the Republic of Korea, he/she shall undergo an entry inspection by immigration control officials at the entry or departure port.

그럼에도 불구하고 피고인은 2015. 8. 초순경 ‘F ’를 통해 위 성명 불상의 ‘ 브로커 ’에게 중국 돈 8만 위안( 한화 1,300만 원 상당) 을 수수료 명목으로 주고 중국 요 녕 성( 遼寧省) 영구 시( 營口市 )에 있는 항만에서 불상의 시멘트 벌크 선에 탑승한 후 약 3일 동안 대한민국 서해의 공해 상을 거쳐 그 무렵 서해안에 있는 불상의 항만에 상륙한 다음, 입국심사를 받지 아니한 채 위 ‘ 브로커’ 가 마련해 준 차량을 이용하여 인근...
