A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.
Seized knife No. 1 (No. 1) shall be confiscated.
Punishment of the crime
At around 08:40 on October 26, 2013, the Defendant: (a) sent the Defendant’s wife E with the Defendant’s wife at the third floor restaurant of “D” located in the Maan-gu Maan-gu, Ansan-si; and (b) then, the Defendant asked the Defendant to listen immediately to the Defendant’s voice through a mobile phone that was not cut off because E does not properly pressing the ender; and (c) concluded that E’s voice when sexual intercourse is different from that of the usual book, it would be doubtful that E would be in an inhuman relationship with another man, and prevented him from going to the said restaurant.
On November 5, 2013, the Defendant: (a) filed a dispute with E for the foregoing reasons; (b) followed the male’s following the male, who was born a telephone from a number that he was unaware of the house, and thereafter, (c) became aware on November 5, 2013 that he was working as the head of the guard team of the pertinent “D”; and (d) when he became aware of the fact that the phone number of the house was the victim’s cell phone number, the Defendant was strongly doubtful with the victim that he was in in incompetence.
In the end, the defendant was able to kill the victim by taking the mind that the victim had failed to live home and finding him/her.
At around 20:40 on November 6, 2013, the Defendant was waiting before the door of the first floor guard room of the “D” building, and the Defendant was waiting to kill the victim from the guards room to correct the door, saying, the victim was snicking out of the guards room, and the victim was snicked with a food blade ( approximately 34 cm in total length, approximately 22 cm in blade, approximately 10 cm in knife length, and No. 1) prepared at a snife and in an insular place. The Defendant tried to kill the victim on one occasion as follows. However, even though the victim was waiting to kill the victim by taking the knife with the knife of the knife and driving the knife with the knife, the Defendant’s knife and knife of the part requiring approximately 4 weeks treatment, opening the body and open part of the body.