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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 2017.01.10 2016고단1116

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Seized evidence No. 1 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is the child of the victim C (V, 85 years of age).

1. On November 10, 2016, the Defendant: (a) expressed a 300,000 won to the victim’s demand that he/she would be prepared for 300,000 won at the home of the victim in Chuncheon City/Do around November 10, 2016; and (b) expressed a desire to “within 18:30,00 won; (c) older than older than the society; and (d) older than the elderly; and (d) older than the elderly; (e) tried to take the victim’s face by a person who was shot on the floor; and (e) brut the victim’s head twice; and (e) brusing the victim’s head at the market value, which is the victim’s possession in the room, brying soup, electrical standards, strings; and (e) broken up the victim’s door and shocking door with a lubing and lubing door.

Accordingly, the defendant committed violence to the surviving victim, and damaged the victim's property.

2. On November 12, 2016, the Defendant, who continued to exist as of November 12, 2016, took time at one time a victim’s hand on the ground that he/she did not prepare for the victim’s house at around 17:30 on November 12, 2016, on the ground that he/she did not prepare for the victim’s house.

Accordingly, the defendant committed assault to the surviving victim.

3. From around 09:00 to around 10:00 on November 13, 2016, the Defendant damaged the victim’s property by putting the brue tree log from the victim’s house as stipulated in paragraph (1) and 6 chapters of the market price, which is one of the victims’ possessions installed in the entrance and windows of the victim, on the ground that the Defendant damaged the victim’s property.

4. Intimidation on November 14, 2016;

A. On November 14, 2016, the Defendant, at around 07:00, at the entrance of the Defendant’s female E (Inn, 58 years of age) on the fourth and fourth floor, would take the Defendant’s female E (Inn, 58 years of age) away from the entrance of the house “the Defendant,” she would take the Defendant’s breath of any other breath of any other breath, out of the breath, and any other b

Around 10 minutes, the victim threatened the victim by sound for about one hour in the house, stating that if the victim does not get out of the house, the victim would be frighten.

Accordingly, the defendant threatened the surviving victim.

B. The Defendant, at around 10:50 on November 14, 2016, gas from the above place.
