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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2019.09.23 2019고단2235

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

Seized evidence 1 and 2 shall be confiscated, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

"2019 Highest 2235"

1. The Defendant, who is a general book of the fraud organization, posted a notice to sell various goods by accessing the Internet BC car page, and the victim who reported the document, intended to receive money from the victims who had contacted with the Defendant, through the fraud crime, such as ordering the victims to transfer the money first as if they would be sent the goods, and allowing them to transfer the money first. The Defendant, who was in the name of the scaming staff, conspired with the Defendant to act as leading the victims to deliver money by deceiving the victims by deceiving the victims by misrepresenting their family members, and the Defendant, who was in the name of the scaming staff, provided that the Defendant would pay the fee if he wanted to withdraw money by using the account in the name of another person from the total account in the above name of the scaming, not from the ordinary business, but from the fact that the above proposal was possible to receive the fee in the name of another person, with the possibility of receiving the fee under the name of another person.

On March 10, 2019, a false text message was sent to the victim D through the victim E to the effect that “I would send the money first to the third party’s location game room.” This was transferred from the victim F bank account (H) in the name of F on the same day.

After that, the Defendant received an order to withdraw the said money through E message from the total account on the same day to deposit the said money into the account under the direction of the total account, and withdrawal of all of the said KRW 702,00 from the bank withdrawal machine on the same day and deposit of all of the said KRW 702,00 to the account, such as IJ, etc. instructed by the total account.
