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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.04.14 2014가단98838

1. Defendant C is the District Court with respect to the shares of 21984/81025 shares among the forest land E in Gyeonggi-gun E, Gyeonggi-do, and 21801 square meters.


1. Basic facts

A. On November 2004, Defendant C, an attorney-at-law, delegated the Plaintiff the Plaintiff with respect to the claim for ownership transfer registration (Seoul Central District Court Decision 2004Gadan396410, hereinafter “instant lawsuit”). Defendant C provided joint and several sureties with respect to delegated duties and the obligation for the payment of contingent remuneration for the Plaintiff.

B. In the instant litigation procedure on February 2, 2005, the conciliation was concluded to the effect that “F and I shall correct the registration of ownership transfer in the name of F with respect to shares in 6/8 of each of the above real estate.” The F, who was the nominal owner of shares in 2/8 of the land before the instant partition, was registered by the said conciliation on February 15, 2005, and became the nominal owner of all the above land.

C. Meanwhile, the registration of transfer of ownership in the name of Defendant B was made on February 15, 2005, as the receipt No. 2897 on February 3, 2005, and on February 3, 2005, with respect to the land prior to the subdivision of this case, the registration of transfer of ownership in the name of Defendant C was completed on December 26, 2006 as the receipt No. 24238 on November 7, 2006, with respect to the share of 42512/81025 on November 5, 2006, and with respect to the remaining 38513/81025 shares, the registration of transfer of ownership in the name of Defendant C was completed on December 29, 2006 as the receipt of No. 2506 on December 29, 2006, respectively.

On January 1, 2007, part of the land before the instant partition was divided into 42512 square meters of K forest land and 21801 square meters of E forest land (hereinafter “instant land”). As to the said K forest divided, the registration of ownership transfer in the name of JJ on the ground of the partition of co-owned property on January 29, 2007, No. 2602, which was received on February 1, 2007, and as to the instant land, the registration of ownership transfer in the name of JJ was completed on the ground of the partition of co-owned property on January 29, 2007, No. 2603, Feb. 1, 2007, which was received on January 29, 2007, respectively.

E. The seals of Defendant B and C are affixed respectively.
