본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2013.04.24 2012고단2223

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

On October 13, 2011, while the defendant living in South and North Korea, at the defendant's house located in Gangnam-si, the issue of debt repayment with the debtor E on October 13, 201, the defendant filed a false complaint against the injury that E was raped from the person living in South and North Korea, with the defendant's house located in the defendant's house located in Gangnam-si, and caused the injury to E, and had the defendant paid the injury to E.

At around October 20, 2011, the Defendant prepared a false complaint with the Criminal Department of the Gangnam Police Station located in Gangnam-dong 1113, Gangnam-dong 111, and submitted it to the person in charge of the name in the same place, and made a false statement with the same content in the Criminal Team of the Sungnam Police Station around November 22, 201, the Defendant: (a) he was aware of the name of the branch in his house, and (b) transferred the son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son.

Accordingly, the Defendant reported false facts to the investigation agency for the purpose of having the E receive criminal punishment.

Summary of Evidence

1. Legal statement of witness E;

1. A suspect interrogation protocol of public prosecutor E;

1. A copy of each police suspect interrogation protocol of E and C (including E of each police suspect interrogation protocol of C);

1. A copy of each police statement concerning E and G;

1. A copy of the medical certificate of injury, a copy of the medical certificate, a copy of the medical certificate, and a copy of medical records;

1. A copy of each complaint, and a copy of the specifications of transactions of e-mail cards;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes on copies of photographs;

1. Article 156 of the Criminal Act and Article 156 of the Criminal Act relating to criminal facts: The scope of recommended sentence is within the scope of the sentencing guidelines (the first class general scope of the sentencing guidelines forless high-ranking crimes) taking into account all kinds of sentencing factors revealed through evidence and arguments adopted and examined by the court.
