본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원성남지원 2016.01.27 2015가합1617

1. The Defendant’s KRW 61,218,301 as well as the Plaintiff’s KRW 61% per annum from March 31, 2015 to January 27, 2016.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On February 12, 2014, the Plaintiff entered into a lease agreement with the Defendant on the sn beamline, which is a construction material (hereinafter “instant lease agreement”) with the following terms, and the Defendant delivered the sn beam beamline at the construction site of “the slive area parking lot and the maintenance plant construction work” (hereinafter “instant construction work”).

Article 1 (Entry Site)

1. Article 2 (Lease Amount) of the parking lot in Seoul Special Metropolitan City and the construction site of maintenance factories (the construction company in the above main contractor) conducted by the defendant;

1. A unit price contract (referring to the unit price under Article 4). Article 3 (Lease Items and Quantity);

1. Products: HORY BEM;

2. Quantity: Article 4 (Terms and Conditions of Payment for Rent).

1. On or before the end of every month, cash settlement (1): The number of days used 】 the number of days used 】 the number of days used 】 the initial rent for each day: ① (Quantities 】 1,300 - 35 HR 1,300 x 14-1,30 - 40 HR BY AM AX 18- 1,400 - 25 1,400 HR BY AM AM AM 18- 1,40 - 45 HM 25 1,50 1,50 321,50 HR AM 32- 391,600 , BM 600 HuM AM 391,600 , 600 HM AM AM 3940, 601, 600 HuM AM AM 3601, 750, 807

1. Lease period: from the first quantity input to the completion of the final quantity removal; and

2. If the use exceeds the rental contract period, the Defendant shall pay the Plaintiff the additional user rental fee per day for additional use, and due to the reduction of the construction period, the Plaintiff shall pay the amount before the expiration of the lease contract to the Defendant on the basis of the rent under Article 4(1).

3. The lease period and the quantity of lease may be changed for a period, depending on the on-site circumstances, and shall be adjusted according to the determined basic fees and user fee standards.

B. As of February 22, 2015, rent under the instant lease agreement is KRW 81,218,301, and the Plaintiff was paid KRW 20 million out of the above rent by the Defendant.
