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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2014.02.21 2013고단7109

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Criminal facts

The Defendant is the operator of “D” located in Seogu Daegu-gu, and E and F are employees of D, and G is the operator of “I” located in Daegu-gu H.

TM (TM) companies, etc. sent to an unspecified number of people's cell phones letters of "small-sum loans" to the Internet without permission, and then sold to the defendant 45-5 million won if the loan applicant sent a copy of his/her identification card, a copy of his/her certificate of personal seal, and a copy of his/her account (hereinafter "identification card") necessary for the loan, if the loan applicant is able to borrow a mobile phone and if the loan is repaid through a mobile phone, the mobile phone is terminated and the mobile phone fee is not claimed.

1. The Defendant, J, E, and F, prepared an application for the joining of the mobile phone with the above E, F using a copy of identification card of the loan applicants purchased from the above J, etc., and sent it to the agency to open the mobile phone in the name of the loan applicants, and instruct the loan applicants to dispose of it in the name of the third party and to bear the mobile phone charges, etc. by using the mobile phone "the name of the third party", and the above E, F opened the cell phone in the name of the loan applicants and sold it to the third party in the name of the loan applicants, and conspired with the above J, E, and F to commit the crime, and the Defendant conspired with the above J, E, and F.

According to the above public offering, the Defendant received documents to open a mobile phone in the name of the victim applicant and opened the mobile phone in the name of the loan applicant, and received opening allowances from the mobile phone agent and disposed of the opened mobile phone to a third party with the name of the mobile phone, and charge the borrower for the mobile phone, etc.
