1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Details of the disposition;
A. On March 24, 1983, the Plaintiff was discharged from military service on March 31, 2012, after the Plaintiff was discharged from military service on September 26, 1987, when he was discharged from military service.
(1) knee: From around 1983, during the basic military training period, kneekne was kneeed due to an accident that turns out due to rain while moving for outdoor Dokdo law education.
(2) The outer strings of the right part (the thrings, artificial strings): around 1984, he/she performed strings under the direction of the strings during the winter training and administered pharmacologic after being diagnosed by the strings of the strings of the strings of the strings, and the strings of the strings of the strings of the strings of the b
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