본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.10.12 2016가단5075360

1. Defendant A’s KRW 110,575,857 among the Plaintiff and KRW 85,460,893 among the Plaintiff, respectively, shall be KRW 24,324,324.


1. Basic facts

A. (1) The Plaintiff concluded a credit guarantee agreement with Defendant A in accordance with Defendant A’s credit guarantee request, which operates an enterprise with C, and issued a credit guarantee agreement with Defendant A with the following content, and Defendant A provided a credit guarantee under the Credit Guarantee Fund Act to Defendant A’s principal and interest obligation to be borne by obtaining a loan from the National Bank or the Industrial Bank of Korea within the scope of the following credit guarantee.

(A) On June 26, 2009, a credit guarantee agreement was concluded between June 26, 200 and June 25, 2010 with the principal of the credit guarantee amount of KRW 95,00,000, and the period of the credit guarantee from June 26, 2009 to June 25, 2010, the other party to the credit guarantee was issued with the guarantee amount of KRW 95,00,000, the due date of the guarantee amount of KRW 100,000,000, and the due date of the guarantee amount of KRW 95,000,000, and the amount of the guarantee amount of KRW 20,000,000, the amount of the credit guarantee amount of KRW 100,000,000,000, and the amount of the credit guarantee amount of KRW 80,000,000,006.
