본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.04.18 2017가단16827

1. Of the distribution schedule prepared by the above court on June 27, 2017 with respect to A real estate auction case of Gwangju District Court A.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The plaintiff is the management institution of the fund for farmers and fishermen.

B. The Plaintiff entered into a credit guarantee agreement with the Plaintiff, B, and the Plaintiff’s subrogation (hereinafter “instant credit guarantee agreement”) and issued a credit guarantee agreement (hereinafter “instant credit guarantee agreement”) as follows:

① On May 7, 2015, KRW 153,00,000 for guaranteed amount, KRW 85,00 for special feed purchase of loan for loan subjects, KRW 180,00,00 for guaranteed amount on June 15, 2015 (hereinafter “written guarantee”), KRW 180,00,000 for guaranteed amount, KRW 90,00 for financing loan for loan for loan subjects, KRW 90% for guarantee rate (hereinafter “B guarantee”), ③ on September 4, 2015, KRW 85,00 for financial and fishing loan for loan subjects, KRW 85,00 for repayment of old guarantee, and KRW 85,00 for guarantee rate (hereinafter “C guarantee amount”), was provided from B as collateral, and concluded a credit transaction agreement with B as follows.

(1) The Plaintiff paid part of KRW 31,276 on June 30, 2016 by subrogation to the Defendant on June 30, 2016 as follows: (i) the amount of credit extended on May 7, 2015 (i) the amount of credit extended on June 6, 2015, KRW 180,000 (ii) the amount of credit extended on September 9, 2015 (ii) the amount of credit extended on September 9, 2015 (ii) the amount of credit extended on September 9, 2015 (iii) the amount of KRW 100,000,000 (iii) the amount of credit extended on September 1, 200 as collateral; hereinafter referred to as “III”) was unable to repay the amount of credit extended on the guarantee of this case, and the Plaintiff, on June 30, 2016, paid part of the amount of credit extended on the guarantee of this case’s credit guarantee agreement:

(1) Loans: 154,760,547 won in accordance with the rate of guarantee for loans.
