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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2018.10.05 2018고합89

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for five years.

Information on the accused shall be disclosed and notified for a period of five years: Provided, That it shall be disclosed and notified.


Criminal facts

On July 4, 2008, the Seoul High Court sentenced the defendant and the person who requested the attachment order (hereinafter referred to as the "defendant") to four years of imprisonment for rape injury, and completed the execution of the sentence to the Net Prison on December 9, 201.

[Criminal facts]

1. Around April 28, 2018, the Defendant, who was raped, attempted to be able to get her head and body of the victim by getting off his/her body and her body back his/her body after getting off his/her body and going back his/her body from the body of the victim. However, the Defendant tried to have a sexual intercourse after getting off his/her head and body from the body of the victim, her head and body from the body of the victim by getting her head and walking back his/her body from the body of the victim by hand, and her head and body from the body of the victim by getting her head and walking back from the body of the victim by hand. The Defendant attempted to rape with the victim's head, her escape, and rape with the victim's head, but her escape was not achieved by getting off her head and drinking again.

Therefore, although the defendant attempted to rape by assaulting the victim, the victim was faced with an infinite face requiring medical treatment for 14 days.

2. At around 02:51 on the date and time stated in paragraph 1, the Defendant assaulted the victim E, who is the victim of the above carpet partner, against the head of the victim's head and head in the table and so on on on the ground that the victim E, who is the above carpet partner, resisted the above act.

[The ground for requesting attachment order] The Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for a sexual crime and again committed the instant sexual crime within 10 years after the completion of the execution of the sentence, and the recidivism is recognized by committing two or more sexual crimes. In light of the background and method of the crime, the character and conduct of the Defendant, etc., the Defendant is likely to recommit the sexual crimes.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. The legal statement of the witness C;

1. The police of E.
