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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원천안지원 2015.06.19 2015가합79

1. The request for intervention by an independent party intervenor shall be rejected;

2. The Defendant’s support to Daejeon District Court on November 26, 2012.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. According to the Land Survey Book drawn up during the Japanese occupation point period, P residing in ASEAN (hereinafter “P”) was registered as the assessment of P, a regional resident in Q, P, and P, on June 10, 1914.

After that, the above land was divided into the real estate listed in the attached list (hereinafter “instant land”). P, a real name, was indicated as the owner of the instant land in the land cadastre before expropriation of the instant land.

B. On April 27, 1940, P, an assessment titleholder, died and succeeded to R solely in accordance with the custom prior to the enforcement of the Civil Act.

R two children were dead on March 20, 1974, and on March 20, 1974, 1 South South-Nam succeeded to the property of S in the proportion of 4/36 shares, 2/36 shares in the wife C, 6/36 shares in the wife C, 3/5 shares in the wife E, 2/5 shares in the wife E, 3/5 shares in the wife, and 3/5 shares in the wife E, 2/5 shares in the wife. The Plaintiff (the appointed party; hereinafter referred to as the “Plaintiff”), the appointed party, F, H, I, B (U), and J succeeded to the property of S in the proportion of 4/36 shares in each of 4/36 shares.

C. On February 26, 1976, R succeeded to the property of each R in proportion to the proportion of 1.5 as a damp inheritor, and the proportion of the successors of V, the next South, as a damp inheritor.

On November 26, 2012, the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation expropriatedd the instant land under Article 40(2)2 of the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land, etc. for Public Works Projects, which had been unregistered on November 26, 2012, and deposited KRW 176,572,150 as a deposit holder of P, who is a situation-based P (the Daejeon District Court Decision 201Da2922, hereinafter “the instant deposit”).

E. The heir of S filed a lawsuit against the Republic of Korea to confirm that the heir succeeded P, a title holder of the instant land, to whom the Plaintiff was the designated party.
