본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.05.28 2013가합25496

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


In fact, on December 29, 1989, with respect to the acquisition of the land and the building of the original defendant and the building Seongbuk-gu Seoul Seongbuk-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government 1,173.9 square meters, the transfer registration of ownership in the name of the plaintiff was completed on August 31, 1990 with respect to the F's shares on December 31, 1990, after the completion of the transfer registration of ownership in the name of the defendant and D (the plaintiff's leader and the defendant's leader), E (the plaintiff's accommodation), E (the plaintiff's external third village) and F (the plaintiff's external third village).

In addition, on December 27, 1990, the transfer registration of ownership of 1/2 shares was completed in the name of the defendant and D on December 27, 1990 with respect to GJ 195.7 square meters.

On March 193, 1993, the Plaintiff entered into a construction contract with Sungdo Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Mado Development”) and the contract amount of KRW 4,290,000,000 for the construction of a new building on the above land, but terminated the contract due to the default of Sungdo Development on February 1995, the Plaintiff entered into a construction contract with Manan General Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Maan Construction”) and the contract amount of KRW 4,00,000,000 for the construction work around February 1995, and thereafter the registration of preservation of ownership was completed on May 17, 1996 in the names of the Plaintiff, the Defendant, and D.

After all, D’s shares in the above land and building were transferred to the Plaintiff on January 9, 2006, and the Plaintiff and the Defendant were co-owners according to C’s shares and 1/4 shares in relation to the above land; according to the ratio of 1/2 shares in relation to the above G land; according to the ratio of 1/2 shares in relation to the above G land; and pursuant to the shares in the above building; and pursuant to the ratio of 978.275/1, 369.6 shares and 391.325/1,

In the case of the land above, if the ratio of shares is converted according to the area, it shall be the same as that of the building.

On January 1, 1993, around May 1993, the Plaintiff was delegated by the Defendant with all rights, such as the lease contract, sale, sale, and lending of the above land and building from D. Around July 1993, the Plaintiff registered the Plaintiff’s business under the name of the Defendant as to the real estate business, etc. with the trade name “H”.

The plaintiff shall live in Korea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. before changing the life insurance company.
