본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.01.10 2015가단139420

1. The Defendant indicated the Plaintiffs on the attached Form 2, 3, 8, 9, 9, among the 1st floor of the real estate listed in the attached Table 2, 246.97 square meters.


(b)be paid;

1) Contract deposit: 430 million won shall be paid at the time of conclusion of the instant sales contract. 2) The intermediate payment shall be paid on January 15, 2015.

3) Balance: 2.57 billion won shall be paid on February 1, 2015. Article 10 (Matters of special agreement)

1. 200 million won out of the down payment of KRW 430 million shall be substituted by the amount deposited on December 5, 2014.

2. Any balance of 1.4 billion won shall be substituted by the succession of debts to a new bank of D. D.

3. The remainder of KRW 50 million shall be substituted by the deposit for the first floor E-cafeteria of the building in this case.

4. Of the remainder, KRW 50 million shall substitute for a deposit for the first floor coffee shop of the building in this case.

5. Of any balance, 50 million won shall be substituted by the 4th floor space and deposit money of the building of this case.

6. It is confirmed that, after D’s conclusion of the instant sales contract, the instant sales contract was concluded on the condition that D performed the said lease contract in lieu of the deposit for a contract that leases 2, 3, and 5 stories of the instant building owned by the Plaintiffs.

* Details of the special agreement* In the event that delivery commitments are not observed as of the date of delivery of the instant pharmacy, the Plaintiffs claim damages of KRW 20 million per month against D.

The provisional attachment of the Sknife corporation shall be cancelled prior to the intermediate payment.

The provisional seizure of the Jeonbuk Bank (the provisional seizure completed on January 5, 2015 according to the Daejeon District Court 2015Kadan12) shall be cancelled within 10 days from the date of the contract.

The maximum debt amount of the right to collateral security (FF) shall be cancelled simultaneously with the intermediate payment.

The case of a new bank shall be subject to agreement after sale, purchase, and bank visits.

Before the intermediate payment and the balance, D is responsible for the delivery of the instant pharmacy.

When the contract becomes invalid, and the down payment and intermediate payment shall be refunded.

The down payment shall be compensated for an double amount.

(3) The Plaintiff A deducts D the KRW 200 million paid on December 5, 2014, out of the down payment of KRW 430 million under the instant sales contract.
